Activities / Events


I Meeting of Migration Museums” and ” Public presentation of the Museum of Emigration and Communities  with the following international participation, October 2003 – :

Director of the Migration Studies Center at the Omagh Emigration Museum, Northern Ireland. Director of the Institute for Migration of Turku, Finland, Director of the Icelandic Emigration Centre .


Special reference in ( Institut Européen des Itinéraires Culturels a common heritage of l’Europe), Council of Europe.

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August 4th and 5th, 2005

Civic Convention of the Portuguese Communities , held in Fafe, with the presence of the Secretary of State for the Portuguese Communities – SECP, António Braga, Deputies for Emigration, representatives of the Communities, Fafe


October 2005

participation in General Assembly of AEMI – The Association of European Migration Institutions, held in Paris andTheadmission as a member.

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August 2006

Participation in the 1st Luso-Brazilian Museum Meeting – House : Space, Object and Museography organized by Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation – Rio de Janeiro and protocol signature.


September 2006

Visit of Students of the European Studies Course – Cultural Studies, University of Chemnitz, Germany.


Rome – 23-26 October 2006)

Expert Meeting on Migration Museums – UNESCO- IOM )integrating a group of twenty Migration Museums , founders of the International Network of Migration Museums.

Migration Museums Network – UNESCO


May 16, 2007

Presentation of the Museum of Emigration and Communities to Sua- Ex. the Minister of Culture, Professor Isabel Pires de Lima, Fafe


July 5-8, 2007


July 5 , 2007 ——————————————— ————————————————– ———————

Exhibit: Le Rêve Portugais

Exhibition: The Portuguese Dream: 25 years of Portuguese emigration in France

Le rêve Portuguese

25 Ans d’Immigration Portuguese in France

Production: CEDEP (Collectif d’études et dynamisation de l’emigration Portugaise).

Scenario and realisation: JOsé Vieira, Manuel Vaz

Our references:

Pour leur collaboration à la realization et au scenário: Glória Da Silva

Pour leur collaboration à la recherche documentaire: Vasco Martins, Jacques Riviére, Anibal De Almeida, Manuel Dias, Fernanda Da Silva, Albano Cordeiro, André Fiqui, Amadeu Rosa, Roger Maksud, Joaquim Nogueira, José Algarvio, Dominique Stonesko, Nelson Rodrigues, Pierre Maché, Candida Rodrigues, La FASTI, La CIMADE, Le CMIF, “Hommes et migrations”, “Portuguese Presence”, “La revue du cinema” and Fildebroc.

Pour leur collaboration photográphique: Manuel Morreiro, Loic Gibet, Patrick Lemasurier, Antonio Fernandes, Rui Mendes, François Fayette, Paulo Moreira, António Ferreira and Luis Maria.

Cette exposition a été realisée avec le concours:

Du Fond d’Action Social

Ministry of Culture

From the commitions of European communautés

Of the catholique committee against the faim et pour le developpement.

Photo-documentary exhibition

see panel gallery



The Museum of Emigration and Communities was present at the German Congress of Lusitanists (Deustscher Lusitanistengtag an der Universität Zu Köln) held at the University of Cologne, from the 6th to the 9th of September, 2007, as part of section 6 – “Portugal and Migration: Realities and Representations”.


7-14 October 2007


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2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue

2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue

Intercultural Dialogue: Identity and dual territory

Intercultural Dialogue: dentity and double territory