Museum of Migrations and Communities

The Museum of Migrations and Communities was created on 12/07/2001 by decision of the Municipality of Fafe, as a virtual platform, with the designation of Museum of Emigration and Communities. Its main founder and promoter was the researcher Dr. Miguel Monteiro, a deep connoisseur of “Fafe dos Brasileiros” and also had the scientific support of Professor Maria Beatriz Rocha Trindade, our greatest expert on the subject of migration. With the development of its activities and the establishment of a vast network of contacts, the need arose to advance in the implementation of the physical realization of the Museum, foreseen from the beginning. The design of the museological project of the now called Museum of Migrations and Communitiesis by the museologist Doctor Fernando António Baptista Pereira and was approved by the CMF in 2008.

The Museum of Emigration and Communities, Fafe, Portugal, joue a role of leader dans ce international réseau des musées des migrations, in raison non seulement de l'importance historique des migrations pour le Portugal et d'échanges concrets avec nos partenaires brésiliens et français notamment, more aussi du dynamisme propre à ce musée. (...). " (Paul de Guchteneire, Carine Rouah: UNE SCO-IOM; Migration Museums Network) " Several of our contacts have indicated that the Fafe Emigration Museum is one of the best in this field. (...) and it was precisely Brian Lambkin, president of AEMI, one of the people who most recommended that we studied it Fafe's case " "The contribution of Fafe's experience has been decisive at the time of proposing a model for the Vasca Emigration Museum."
Andoni Martín Arce, President, Gobierno Vasco.